1700 Square Feet Flat Is Available In Affordable Price In F-11
If 1700 Square Feet Flat is what you are looking for, this is it. Here is the perfect Flat you can find in Islamabad. If you are looking for a Flat in this area, you will find no other option that even compares with this one. A Flat in F-11 is the best opportunity you can find, so don t let it slip. We can guarantee that no better property is available for rent in the entire locality. Not many properties are priced Rs 82,000. So, it s better to grab the offer, before someone else does.

Following are some details of the property.
Pending discussions can all take place in the sitting room that comes with this property.
Central heating is a convenient feature in the Flat to control and use.
If you are religiously inclined, a prayer room in the Flat will be perfect to offer your prayers in peace and seclusion.
If you frequently have visitors, then this drawing room is the perfect space for seating them.
Thanks to central air conditioning, the temperature in the Flat is always maintained.
The apartment lobby is well-designed to facilitate visitors.
Having double glazed windows in the Flat is a great plus.

If you want to get further information on the offer, please contact us.
Address: Blue Area Islamabad
Posted By: muhammad azeem
1700 Square Feet Flat Is Available In Affordable Price In F-11

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