2100 Sq. Ft Flat Up For Rent In Karakoram Diplomatic Enclave
Whatever kind of Flat you are looking for, you are in the right place to find it. Here is the perfect Flat you can find in Islamabad. The seller has set the asking price very reasonable at Rs 75,000. The rental unit is a good option, with some amazing features. You can buy 2100 Sq. ft property as an investment. The location of Karakoram Diplomatic Enclave - Islamabad is a highly demanded one which makes it an opportunity for all.
If you want to get further information on the offer, please contact us.
Address: Karakoram Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad
Posted By: m aslam
2100 Sq. Ft Flat Up For Rent In Karakoram Diplomatic Enclave

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