356 Square Yards Upper Portion In D-12 For Rent
Rent = 70000 PKR
Area = 14.2 Marla
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1

Looking for a property to rent in Islamabad? This 356 square yard property is a great option and won't be on the market for long. D-12 is located away from the hustle and bustle of city life, giving you the peace of mind you need. Priced at Rs 70,000, this property is a great deal. The upper portion of the property is also available at an affordable price. Islamabad is always alive with opportunities and securing a real . asset here will surely pay off. Finding the perfect property to rent can be difficult, but this one has everything you want. Call us today for more information.
Posted By: tahir malik
356 Square Yards Upper Portion In D-12 For Rent

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