7 Marla House Is Available In G-13
Rent = 90000 PKR
Area = 7 Marla
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1

Looking for a house in G-13, Islamabad? Look no further, as this house is designed and developed as per the exact buyers' demands. The city centre of Islamabad is high in demand thanks to its location, proximity to main roads and facilities. If you're really looking for a property in G-13, this will help you out. Rent this property and live comfortably in an affordable manner. The area is 7 marla, you were in search of! A well-fitted property with latest design features is available for a price of PKR Rs 90,000, so don't miss the opportunity.
For pricing and other details, contact us today.
Posted By: yasir
7 Marla House Is Available In G-13

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