A 7 Marla Upper Portion Has Landed On Market In Soan Garden Of Islamabad
Rent = 28000 PKR
Area = 7 Marla
Bedrooms = 2
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 2
Looking for a property to rent? You've found a great one here! This property is located in Soan Garden, a prime location, and is very reasonably priced at Rs 28,000. It's a great opportunity that you don't want to miss!This property is perfect for anyone looking for a 7 marla property. It's a great location and a great price, so it won't be on the market for long. Contact us today and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have about this property.
Posted By: antis ahmad pri
A 7 Marla Upper Portion Has Landed On Market In Soan Garden Of Islamabad

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