Affordable House For Rent In Naval Anchorage
The metropolis of Naval Anchorage is offering a House for an attractive price of PKR Rs 130,000. If you re looking for 1 Kanal property, we have what you need! A similar property for this Rs 130,000 could be difficult to find elsewhere. Want to Rent a residence? Consider this property. The end users find Naval Anchorage the best place to meet their varying needs. You won t find House like this too often. So, it s better to beat the clock before someone else grabs it up for comfort.

Find out what the property entails below.
Your kids can play to their heart s content in the play area adjoining the property.
The property s spacious drawing room is perfect for families who entertain guests frequently.
Staying connected just became more convenient with the facility of broadband internet access that is available in this property.
The mosques near the House supports religious learning for all age groups.
The community swimming pool in the building/society is a great facility, especially for the kids.
A private dining room is also included in the property to allow you to have your meals in peace and harmony.
You can set your washing machine and laundry products conveniently in the laundry room of the House.

Interested in a specific House? Leave your details for further correspondence.
Address: Naval Anchorage Islamabad
Posted By: lt cdr m shafi
Affordable House For Rent In Naval Anchorage

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