Complete Corner Commercial Unit available for Rent in F-10 Markaz ISB
Complete Corner Commercial Unit available for Rent in F-10 Markaz, Islamabad. The unit has a two (2) bedroom flat which has a kitchen and a bathroom. The shop size is 18 x15 and has two (2) sides open. The basement has a independent entrance. Also, the unit is located next to a bank.
We would prefer renting out the complete premises to one party. Preferable parties are established brands i.e., takeaway food chains, clothing outlets, etc.
The premises will not be rented out to property ., rent a car businesses, auto showrooms and other businesses we do not deem suitable for our premises.

Please call to discuss matters in detail.

Note: We prefer being directly approached by parties instead of property ..
Address: F-10 Islamabad
Posted By: ofk123
Complete Corner Commercial Unit available for Rent in F-10 Markaz ISB

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