E11 2 bedrooms furnished apartment available for rent E-11/1
Apartment available for rent.
2Bed 2BaTh D/tvl kitchen
Complete Furnished.
PeacefUL eNviRonmEnT.
Safe & secure buildinG.
REaSOnABLe rent.
For details call whatsApp.

This is thE neWest,mosT attraCtivE neighbOrhooD of thE Islamabad & u wouldn t miss an oPpOrTuniTy to liVe hEre.Property in E11 let u aCceSs the bEsT faciLiTiEs and amenities aRounD.Interested in 850 square feeT prOperTy ?Here is a popular option.This prOperTy helps u oUt fOr ur seArChes on a Flat.If u still want to get the full low-down on this offer,please contact with us today.
Address: E-11 Islamabad
Posted By: pvt limited company
E11 2 bedrooms furnished apartment available for rent E-11/1

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