Ground Floor For Rent
Rent = 40000 PKR
Area = 6 Marla
Bedrooms = 2
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 2

Looking for a lower portion in I-10 in Islamabad that's priced reasonably? If yes, you have landed on the right page. With the rapid fluctuations in the real . market, the opportunity to book your home at a price of PKR Rs 40,000 is a good idea.
Searching for the right option for you in Islamabad? This is the best option for you! All the important amenities and facilities are made available in I-10. Options for 1350 square feet properties may be limited, so book yours while it is available. The price for this rental unit is reasonable, given its location and features.
Confused about a listing? Call us today to have all concerns answered.
Posted By: javed khan
Ground Floor For Rent

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