450 Square Yards House For Rent In Gulistan-e-Jauhar
Rent = 130000 PKR
Area = 450Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1

Looking for a rental property to move in with your family? We have it here for you. If you are looking for a 450 square feet property, you've come to the right place. You'll hardly find a price better than this for a house at such an in-demand location. A G+1 house is available so make use of the offer right now. Located ideally on the Gulistan-e-Jauhar, you know this property will always be high in demand. You can be certain to find a home in Karachi due to the property options it offers.
Interested? Contact us for pricing info, property details and more.
Posted By: milan ghar
450 Square Yards House For Rent In Gulistan-e-Jauhar

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