Idyllic House Available In Gulshan-E-Iqbal Town For Rent
Rent = 300000 PKR
Area = 600Bedrooms = 7
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 7
Looking for a house in the area? You'll find no other option that even comes close to this one. If you're looking to rent a place, we've got the perfect property for you. Offers like this don't come around often in Karachi, so don't miss your chance. The 5400 square foot property is on a very lucrative offer right now. According to our analysis, the price of PKR 300,000 is quite a steal for the property in question. For more information, please call us.
Posted By: faisal faisy
Idyllic House Available In Gulshan-E-Iqbal Town For Rent

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