North Karachi House Sized 1080 Square Feet For Rent
Rent = 50000 PKR
Area = 120Bedrooms = 4
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 4
This 1080 square feet house is available for rent in the best location. You can choose the right neighbourhood in Karachi. This property at this price of Rs 50,000 is surely a right bargain. Your search ends with this house. The location of North Karachi has vast future potential. This is the best rental property you can find in this location. Find out what the property entails below. A separate laundry room helps keep the rest of the house organized and free of any washing mess. Impress your guests with this spacious and gorgeous drawing room. A private dining room is also included in the property to allow you to have your meals in peace and harmony. For more information, call us now!
Posted By: syed waqas ali
North Karachi House Sized 1080 Square Feet For Rent

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