Unoccupied House Of 200 Square Yards Is Available For Rent In Bahria T
Your dream life awaits you in Bahria Town Karachi. We would like you to consider this rental property that s located in a prime location. Book your House today for a better tomorrow. Karachi is a popular choice for living due to the abundant opportunities it offers to everyone. Ideal 200 Square Yards property is available with modern furnishings at a central location. What could possibly get more better than a property priced at Rs 70,000. Plus, it has features that you d definitely love!
Your dream life may only be a call away, so contact us to book an appointment.
Address: Bahria Town Karachi Karachi
Posted By: sardar imran
Unoccupied House Of 200 Square Yards Is Available For Rent In Bahria T

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