1 Kanal House Airline Society For Rent
Rent = 200000 PKR
Area = 1 Kanal
Bedrooms = 8
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 8

Looking for a house to rent in Lahore? You might just find what you're looking for. This rental property has all the features that make up for a comfortable living. This 4500 square feet sized property best fits the description you plugged in. Centrally-located unit at a price of PKR 200,000 is quite a good deal to consider. Looking to building a home in this city in the near future? Surely, there is no better location than Airline Housing Society.
Some of the amenities this house offers include:
-8 bed attach bath
-Servant quarter
-Portion wise available
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Posted By: taimoor ali
1 Kanal House Airline Society For Rent

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