4500 Square Feet House Is Available For Rent In Dha Defence
Rent = 190000 PKR
Area = 1 Kanal
Bedrooms = 4
Kitchen = 1
Parking = 1
Bathrooms = 4

Looking for a property in Lahore? You'll find everything you're looking for in DHA Defence. You won't find a better property option in the city for as low as Rs 190,000. A property for rent like this one can be hard to come by, so get it while you can. Options for 4500 square feet properties may be limited, so book yours while it is available. We are offering this prime location house at a reasonable price.
Some notable property features are mentioned below.
-The drawing room will let you have guests over as often as you want.
-Gather your family around and share the details of your day over dinner in the dining room that comes with your next home.
We will guide you through the booking process. All you have to do is contact us.
Posted By: rashid hussain
4500 Square Feet House Is Available For Rent In Dha Defence

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